p. 56-57
49 And he shall be called Enoch because he is raised up and she held him high toward God And he is dedicated to the fulfillment of the covenant that You made with Gabriel that the righteous of his seed would return to Eden
50 And this little son shall be called Enoch by men And he shall be a brother to the stones of the earth And he shall be joined with them And all the rocks of witness throughout the ages shall know him and keep him in remembrance And by the stones of the earth he shall see And he shall be called seer And thus shall all those with the authority that he shall establish be called even according to the desires of the Lord And by the stones of the earth he shall speak And he shall inscribe upon them the works of the righteousness of God and His Motsah the Lamb And this little son shall be called a scribe of righteousness 51 And it will come to pass that because he is joined to the stones of the earth who ever and always cry out for a redeemer to deliver them from their shame the stones of the mountains shall obey him and they shall remove at his word And the stones of the plain shall give heed to his desires for the sake of Motsah the Lamb and the rocks shall raise up to change rivers out of their course
52 And the comets of heaven and their children shall tremble because of him And they shall rue the day that they came to the earth And he shall be seen to walk with God before all men Yea by both the righteous and the wicked during all the course of the earth