People need to wake up and throw out this garbage being pushed by the fake news mass media.
Turn off the tell-a-lie-vision programming and look at their own actions in the recent past.
Cv is nothing but the common cold and no it was not made in a lab. I have been trying to tell people for so long and no one is listening.
They tried all of this with measles and failed so they changed the name to an uncommon strain for something else point blank. ***************************************************************
Here are 2 links below and a snapshot from Wikipedia itself.
1: 2:
There was a gofundme page about black doctors working with the church of mahan asking for money to raise 100, 000 to test the "black community." They raised above that and today on the news people lining up around the corner in Philadelphia.
Go to Dr. Rashid A. Buttar's YouTube page. There's a lot of information, and he's one of many doctors coming forward and calling out the hoax.
Great brother Phillip. They are using fear to get people say yes for the vaccine. The redeemed are only a remnant, sad but true!
They do not have the Holy Spirit.
The mask and the six feet apart is for facial recognition profiling as they did in China.
I can confirm stores are installing so many more cameras that were not put in place before. Within 2 weeks, the location of camera is specific in front and back of cash register to capture our features. We all know Walmart have there cameras on the aisles, face front view as we reach our products.
Yes brother Phillip but they’ve got the people so dumbed down they can’t reason for themselves, what ever the government and media says...they’ve got this people scared shitless