Ha'Maschiac did not build a 🏠 house;
He did not leave the exact date of His birth or of His death; He did not leave descendants. He left an empty tomb, but even this place is still disputed. He left no "thing" of Himself, but only the assurance of His spiritual presence: "Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the of the 🌎 World. (Matt. 28: 20
Why did the Godhead miss the golden opportunity provided by the incarnation to leave a permanent material reminder of the saviour's stay on this planet? Is this not clear evidence of TMH'S concern to protect from the constant temptation of reducing a spiritual relationship into a thing- of worship"?
It was because of this same concern that TMH chose the Sabbath--- a day rather than an object__ as the symbol of a divine_ human belonging relationship. Being time, a mystery that defies human attempts to define it, the Sabbath provides a constant protection against the worship of objects (wood & stone) and a fitting reminder of the spiritual nature of the covenant relationship between TMH and his people
Shalom Family
Have a blessed Shabbat
Wonderfully Written... Shalom SisRosetta