We shall now show that these passages predict the rise, and progress, and triumph of a Christian empire, or Israel outside of Europe ; and, that it was to rise just 1,451 years after church and state union, or on the 4th ofJuly,1776.
13.The exact time of the rise of the ancient of days, is seen in the statement, that three and a half times after the union of church and state in Europe, this Christian nationality was to appear. That is, it was to arise just exactly 529,984 days after this union of church and state took place, or on July 4-th, 1776.
Coincidence Ninth.— The ancient of days, or fifth empire, was to be like the democracy of ancient Israel. The United States, at its rise, was exactly such a democracy as that of ancient. Israel, except, that it was in a Christian rather than a Hebrew dress. The number of its states was the very same; its confederacy was like it; and its principles were identical. TheChristian difference was, that the United States, like Christianity itself, was constructed to embrace the world. Hence, in its constitution, provision w a s m a d e for the addition of n e w states, and the principle of 'representative democracy was incorporated. By these, its universal expansion was provided for. The fifth empire, or ancient of clays, was to rise 529,984 days after the union of church and state, or on the 4th of July, 1776. Now, on this veritable day and year, the United States arose.