THE ENEMIES OF GOD AND HIS PEOPLE as named in Scripture are generally multiples of thirteen. p. 204
THE BOOK OF ESTHER reveals the same law in operation. Having diligently cast the horoscope (as Pur, rw@p means: see Isa 47:13), Haman found the most favourable time for carrying out his designs as "the Jews' enemy."* * A term applied to none but Haman. See Esth 3:10, 7:6, 8:1, 9:10,14. Esther 3:7 tells us that for 12 months the horoscope was consulted "in the first of the month... from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month." Then (v 12) on the thirteenth day of the first month (i.e., the thirteenth month from the time they commenced) the favourable day was found. Then (3:13) the letters were prepared, and upon "one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month" (at the end of the second year), the Jews were all to be put to death. On that day came the deliverance (8:12, etc.). Thus we have three thirteens connected with this gigantic effort of the great enemy to destroy the Lord's people, and with them, of course, the promised seed. This is the ultimate object of the great enemy in all his designs against God's people. Here a few samples:
There are 13 illuminati families. Each of the 13 families have 13 councilors
There are 13 Zodiac signs not 12. The 13th one is the Dragon.
The symbolism of the flag 13 colonies 13 stripes. the eagle have 13 arrows in its talon
The Holy Spirit lead me to read Egyptian Book of the Dead. I stumble upon this sight and its a handful of information. Could this be the reason for DNA collection in the scientific field of the wicked? Take it for what it is and as always use discernment.
Energetic imprint of DNA is carried within the personal morphogenetic field, thus making it important to pay attention to the frequency fields contained with-in the physical DNA.
Human body was designed to be immortal. To break the death/rebirth cycle, to transcend and transmute a physical body above HU-1 an identity must posses a 5th level consciousness / have fully assembled the 5th DNA strand.
6th Cloister Melchizedek race hold the 5th DNA strand.
The more souls that can assemble the 5th DNA strand, the quicker the earth grid begins transmitting 5-D frequencies into the bio energetic fields of the planet.