and in an account of Juan de Onate, to California by land in the year 1604, he tells about a giant woman who was from an island called Cinoguahua, and they gave her the name of Cinacacohota, which means woman or captainess, whose stature was one and one-half times that of a typical man of the coast, they being very corpulent themselves.
"isla- Cinoguahua una giganta;. que llamaban Ciñacacohota senora capitana, cuya estatura era comode hombre y me. dio de los de la costa, con ser que son muy corpulentos. Supuesto el. principio de que- Ia. principal poblacion fué dê tultecas, los que succedieron otras naciones como la' de Ulmecas y Xiealancas, es preciso. conc]uir que su raza ..."
"island- Cinoguahua a giantess ;. They called Ciñacacohota Senora Capitana, whose stature was like a man and me. She gave one of those on the coast, although they are very big. Supposed the. principle of that- Ia. The main population was Tultecas, who succeeded other nations such as Ulmecas and Xiealancas, it is necessary. conc] uir that your race ..."