I been reading a couple of MAYA books and how they really was observing Venus. Then after watching sister Naema's video, I now know why the Holy Spirit lead me to read Linda Schele's books after watching her youtube video. I found this website yesterday night and today I am looking closer at it for the month of Sept and Early October. I make certain words bold that jumped out at me. (HINT)
Venus passes 9°.2 North of Cancer's brightest star Tarf (Cnc or Beta Cancri, mag. +3.5) on September 8th. The star is positioned at the South-western corner of the constellation's lambda-shaped () figure. The name Tarf, which is not in common usage, is derived from the Arabic Al Tarf meaning 'the End',
Venus enters Leo, the Lion, on September 22nd, crossing to the North of the ecliptic on September 26th. The planet passes 4°.0 North of the star Subra (Leo or Omicron Leonis, mag. +3.5), which marks the paw of the Lion's foreleg, on September 27th. Between September 28th and October 5th Venus is positioned South of the asterism (star pattern) commonly known as the Sickle of Leo, at the Western end of the Lion, which appears to the naked-eye as a backward question-mark (). The planet passes 10° South of the star Ras Elased Australis (Leo or Epsilon Leonis, mag. +2.9), at the upper North-western end ('pointed end') of the sickle, on September 28th.
At the base of the Sickle of Leo (the 'dot' of the backward question-mark) is Leo's brightest star, Regulus (Leo or Alpha Leonis, mag. +1.3). Venus passes just 5'.5 (0º.1) South of the star at 2340 UT on October 2nd. Regulus is positioned less than 0°.5 North of the ecliptic so it is occasionally occulted by planets and - more frequently - by the Moon. Venus last occulted Regulus in July 1959 and will next occult the star during its morning apparition in October 2044.
This article is a few years old, but the gist of the message is relevant this year! I just post some few words here. Check out the articles!
Leo contains a sickle from his head to his front feet, and the bright star at the end of the sickle is Regulus. It is the sickle referenced in Revelation 14:14-20, speaking of the angel with the sickle who was told to reap the earth.
Because the constellation Leo is seen in the month of September, his presence comes during the grape harvest. Hence, the One with the sharp sickle is said to reap grapes with his sickle. Normally, one reaps grain with a sickle, but this is no ordinary prophecy. Grapes signify the unbelievers in the earth, even as the wheat represents the church and barley represents the overcomers.
Gideon threshed wheat in a winepress (Judg. 6:11), and Regulus uses a sickle to harvest grapes.It draws our attention primarily to Regulus and the Sickle of Leo, and this may indicate that the angel is getting ready to use his sickle to harvest the grapes of the earth
In this way God is putting the grape company on notice that they ought to repent and become wheat or barley. God uses star-language that many in the grape company understand.Venus (representing also the Bride of Christ) was gathered to the King/Lawgiver (Regulus).
****A few months back, I was reading GAD The Seer after watching Yeshua the Unifier. In reading the last two pages
Rosh Hashanah 2926 AM, 999 BC 1
And it came to pass on the first day of the seventh month, at New Year’s, in the four hundred and seventy eighth year after the children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, in the second year of King Solomon’s reign over Israel, I had a vision from the LORD, when I was upon the Gihon spring. And I raised my eyes, and lo, the heavens rolled back like a scroll, and I saw the glory of the LORD, sitting on an extremely high throne. And here is the appearance of the throne: twelve stairs led up to the throne (six of gold and six of silver), and there was a square back to the throne, like a sapphire stone. And at its right side were three chairs and at its left side were four chairs near the throne, like the seven that see the king’s face, covered with gold and silver and precious stones. And the glory of the LORD had the appearance like that of the rainbow, His covenant. And the host of heaven were standing before Him on His right hand and on His left, and Satan was standing by them, but behind them.
The Books
7And then a man dressed in linen brought before the glory of the LORD three books that contained the records of every man. And he read the first book and it contained the just deeds of His people, and the LORD said, “These are granted eternal life.” And Satan said, “Who are these 45 guilty people?” And the man dressed in linen cried to Satan like a ram’s horn saying, “Silence! This day is holy to our Lord.”
And he read the second book, and it contained the unintentional sins of His people, and the LORD said, “Put that book aside, but save it, until one third of the month passes by, to see what they will do.”
And he read the third book, and it contained the wicked deeds of His people. And the LORD said to Satan, “These are your share. Take them and do what you want with them.” And Satan took the wicked to a waste land to destroy them there. And the man dressed in linen cried like a ram’s horn, saying: “Blessed are the people who know the joyful shout, O LORD, who walk in the light of Your countenance.”