Shalom Family! I would like to ask the family to keep my husband and I in your prayers our marriage is a bit rocky, but am hopeful. Thank you all and Many Blessings.
Shalom Family, I wanted to give an updated praise report. My husband and I are working things out. The Most High has healed my heart so fast, It is as if I didn't even experience the hurt. My husband don't even understand the change, that he's walking very carefully. But I know it was through you all powerful prayers, and I thank you for that. When you told me family, you got me, I can honestly say you do, I needed your prayers and you were there. Many, Many Blessings to you all. I can't say it enough Thank you, My husband is even talking baptism, Glory to the Most High! Much Love!
I am so Thankful for you all and your prayers strengthen me! I have been married for 24 years. It is hard not to put self in, once you feel the trust is gone. I prayed and called on The Most High, The Holy Spirit and The Son to help me with this burden. I told the Most High I don't want hate to abide but love only. Even when I was wronged, my husband later came and told me he didn't understand why I didn't do like most. He don't know my cry out and tears. He apologizes, I promised not to divorce him, but I did tell him I need my space to heal and if it is the Most High will... we will renew our vows, if not, we will be friends. So, you all prayers made me strong enough to say this is what I need. May The Most High Bless You All! I am humbled and grateful!
We bind the demon who seeks to come against your marriage. We loose the spirit of love, understanding, and compassion in the name of Yashyah. So be it!
SHALAWAM 🤲💜 I ask that TMH blesses u to make the best decision for the both of u and I cast down EVER wicked and evil thing trying to come against what TMH has joined together... Abba I ask that you watch over these two as one... Lead them teach them and guide them in YASHAYA NAME So Be It💜💜💜🙏💪
Shalom Family, I wanted to give an updated praise report. My husband and I are working things out. The Most High has healed my heart so fast, It is as if I didn't even experience the hurt. My husband don't even understand the change, that he's walking very carefully. But I know it was through you all powerful prayers, and I thank you for that. When you told me family, you got me, I can honestly say you do, I needed your prayers and you were there. Many, Many Blessings to you all. I can't say it enough Thank you, My husband is even talking baptism, Glory to the Most High! Much Love!
I am so Thankful for you all and your prayers strengthen me! I have been married for 24 years. It is hard not to put self in, once you feel the trust is gone. I prayed and called on The Most High, The Holy Spirit and The Son to help me with this burden. I told the Most High I don't want hate to abide but love only. Even when I was wronged, my husband later came and told me he didn't understand why I didn't do like most. He don't know my cry out and tears. He apologizes, I promised not to divorce him, but I did tell him I need my space to heal and if it is the Most High will... we will renew our vows, if not, we will be friends. So, you all prayers made me strong enough to say this is what I need. May The Most High Bless You All! I am humbled and grateful!
We bind the demon who seeks to come against your marriage. We loose the spirit of love, understanding, and compassion in the name of Yashyah. So be it!
SHALAWAM 🤲💜 I ask that TMH blesses u to make the best decision for the both of u and I cast down EVER wicked and evil thing trying to come against what TMH has joined together... Abba I ask that you watch over these two as one... Lead them teach them and guide them in YASHAYA NAME So Be It💜💜💜🙏💪
Praying Sis! I'm late but I'm in there! Have faith in our Father
Stay strong sister believe me your family here has your back he will. not win this one much love🙏🏿❤️
Got ya sis
The wicked one will always try to destroy what is GOOD.
Sister, it IS battle time.
Why?! Because you really do love him not any lie or anger the evil one brings your way.
PRAY good and hard for both of you.
Especially your man when he is down.
I am definitely going to war this RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE.
I love you and will be in agreement !
In The Mighty Mighty name of Ahaya Ashar Ahaya ba hasham Yashaya !
🙏got you. Shalom