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On the above panel VI, there is a picture of dwarfs. In the book of Giants and dwarfs, they are mentioned.
This article above goes all out.
I am reading this and my jaws on the floor! written in 1876 from New York Times
The mound-builders have been the subject of scores of learned essays, in which their identity with the Aztecs, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the Welsh, and the lost tribes of Israel has been triumphantly show; and of the exact height and probable capacity for whisky of the Kentucky giants, we have had careful and presumably accurate statistics.
At what period these pygmies flourished, what they accomplished, and by what means they were induced to retire simultaneously to their crave-yard, can only be conjectured. They may have been the identical pygmies that, according to the Greek legend, waged war with the cranes. If so, the cranes must have proved too powerful for them. This is hardly probable,’ and any modern Tennessean who has attempted to keep chickens in the neighborhood of a family of citizens of African descent, will scornfully refuse to believe that pygmies of three feet in height could not kill cranes on their roost with at least as much success as is achieved by the African small boy when invading the midnight hen-house. We must wait for farther discoveries before it will be safe to decide whether the pygmies were contemporary with the giants and whether they preceded the mound-builder. The bare fact that they once existed is all is all that we can now safely affirm of them;