I was led by our holy spirit Mother and coming from The Father to share this with you Sisters and Brothers.
There is always a blessing in the
things The Most High sends our way.
On this past Sunday morning, I was awakened by the holy spirit with words dropped into my head that said ____
“A new one is about to be revealed, And what will be uncovered will already have begun.” ( I do not have an answer for this one)
I not only had these words given to me but before going to bed that night: and in the midst of
studying My Doctrines and covenant book , our Mother Wisdom led me to 2 amazing discoveries.
I was so excited that I wanted call Elder at 4:00 in the Morning my time (which would have been 2:00am MST)__ I always ask permission from The Father which I did; in which the answer was NO; but when he went live late that morning and after hearing Elder Ahyal’s first statements ; I understood why the answer was no.
When I heard him say that he had recieved at least 7 phone calls throughout the morning from Us confirming the Land that The Most High left instructions in our book (a diff. book) that he read to us the day before ----- I was amazed, For you see ; Saturday night I came upon 2 scriptures while in The Doctrines And Covenants :
D&C 85:3 “It is contrary to the will and Commandment of God that those who receive not their “inheritance by consecration, agreeable to his law, which he has given, that he may Tithe his people, to prepare them against the day of vengeance and burning, should have their names enrolled with the people of God.
84:4 (skip vs 3 snake-talk) “Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place of the temple, shall be reared in this generation. 5. For verily this generation shall not all pass away until and house shall be built unto the lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house.
This little old used & tattered book which I disliked so much when I recieved it just kept on giving out secrets and this reminded me of the peice of paper inside the book Sister Letty brought to Elder.
The previous owner of my book had underlined verses and used markers highlighting sections that were so faded in places that I know this is the original owner from 1981 when it was reprinted and (“so called improved”).
I turned the pages to the front section and landed on
1Nephi 2:19-20___ these verses whereby The Most High is saying to Nephi that because of his faith, his commandment Keeping, and his diligence in seeking ; that he would lead him to the land of promise __ in red marker underlining and to the side of these 2 passages; the owners words, which I snapped this Picture of:

The words America
And in Ether 3: 15-16 was very important to the owner---Maschiac shows his spirit body to the brother of Jared--

owner wrote in black Spirit body of Jesus
More proof from our father PRIEST OF MAHAN!
Todah brother Phillip--our Mother is guiding us -- as long as we follow her direction; we will not fail💜💙
Odd is it that I came into this world May 29, 1981.
I know The Most High does not work in coincidence, instead He works even the littlest thing for a purpose.
Maybe there is more purpose of me than I even am aware of yet.
Keep up the great works Rosetta and keep leading by example as all should do.
thanks for sharing Sis,
What a blessing. I love old books.
Not only for being less cut but because I love witnessing what others seen as well.
Imagine how much one of our old books could help someone or lead them.
All praises to The Most High, The Creator of Aaaalll Creations Ahaya Ashar Ahaya, = The One Who Is, Has Been and Will AMWAY'S be.
Todah Sister Lakesha-- Father Ahayah & our Mother is looking out for their children -- See you at prayer tonight Sis
APTTMH AHAYAH Shalom sister thank you so much for this information is just a great confirmation I went to the Most High praying about what Elder brought out I’m not even going to lie I was in denial and so I pray to the Most High and he sent me what I asked for and that is confirmation that this is his word so therefore I am so grateful also knowing that that connection is so strong obedience is truly better than sacrifice Alleluia🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙇🏾♀️❤️💛💛💛💛💛❤️I love you our family😘