"A white flag signifies to all that an approaching negotiator is unarmed, with an intent to surrender or a desire to communicate." (THE TALE OF THE CHILDREN OF LAMECH)
And Adah wept. For so her children's children distant borne Were captive on the plain
Adah cries to Lamech and wants the captives to be released.
Then once again, In softened tones and kindly, Adah spake : Take from my pillow the fair whitened fleece And raise it on tall pikes and bear it forth, With hailing as for succor, to the plains, So they shall smite ye not. And with it lead The captives to their home, so may their kin And brethren yield to us our sons that now Await the vengeful fires. Then at her feet The fair-haired shepherd knelt.The tiger's hide That wrapped her feet he lifted to his lips With rev'rent touch and fervent. When he rose, Strong Tubal, eager to atone his fault. Upon a spear raised high the snowy fleece, And round about the spearmen gathered close, The captives following, and speedy strode Down the steep slopes. Then as the distant flame Seeth'd higher t'ward the skies and scattered broad Its newly kindled sparks, still faster sped The messengers of peace.