I have been using the name of Ahayah in prayer. I was told it means “I am” like it says in the Bible, when The Most High introduces himself to Moses. But then I was reading, more attentively, the Sealed Book of Mormon, Sealed Book of Moses, chapter 3. Pics attached. In this chapter it appears that there is a different spelling: “Ahiah”. Not sure if it is pronounced the same as “AHAYAH”. Checked Strongs concordance and could not find “Ahiah”. Please see the attachment where “Ahiah” is described as a greater angel who was deposed from his post (fallen) and was described as “Brother of Jehovah”. We know that the name of Jehovah is a trick of the priests of Mahan. Jehovah and Yahweh were the names of the bulls (CORRECTION) they were the names of the TWO bulls of Jeroboam after the split after Solomon’s reign. (Nevertheless they are not The Most High. ) I know to take the meat spit out the bones...but this is a dilemma. The spelling is wrong, was this another bone to make us stop saying the right name of our Father? Can someone help me figure this out? Thank you Family...Shalom
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Edited: May 15, 2020
Ahayah? To use or not to use this name for the Most High
Ahayah? To use or not to use this name for the Most High
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Shalom Family,
I too was wondering about this name (Ahiah), and have decided to not continue to use the name "Ahayah" until I have investigated the matter further. These names are too similar for my comfort... I must be careful not to empower the enemy by calling on his name, for all my praises belong to the Most High, The Almighty Creator... the All Space and All Place...the Ever-present Power of Israel...Alleluia!
By the way, I believe every sincere truth seeker should read the Oahspe Bible (for a mind-blowing experience). I know no-one asked my opinion, but I had to mention it because this books talks about how the Christians destroyed the American Indians, and so much more.... Of course, I invite you to read with discernment. Blessings to all and Shalom...
Could this be the answer? AYA is perhaps another spelling for Ahiah
The 72 Angels names-this caught my eye.
Aya - Expressed by both actions and foresight of Moses, in the mystery of his own desire, which is not a mental representation in the heavenly Jerusalem, but actually in Jerusalem calling down heavenly providence . Contemplating itself, receiving the celestial, and can not understand the intimacy of the heavenly mystery occult. Blessed be He, for it. For by this name the subtle come into the world, while remaining inaudible and clinging to him. Revealing Tiphereth, crowned by seven judges in his occult secret and sublime that does not come into the world. Forming six guiding powers by the Word.
https://rejectedscriptures.weebly.com/uploads/4/0/9/5/4095914/book_of_raziel_complete.pdf look at page 23
Shah is the priest of mahan, look in the book elder talk about. The is , illuminati 2 , Decieit and seduction.
The Sealed Book of Mormon 14:5, 15, 16
When I read these verses, I too have questions.
Refer to Exodus 3:14
Its context is the encounter of the burning bush(Exodus 3:14):Moses asks what he is to say to the Israelites when they ask what God ['Elohiym] has sent him to them, and YHWH replies, "I am who I am", adding, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I am has sent me to you.'"[2]’Ehyeh is the first person form of hayah, "to be", and owing to the peculiarities of Hebrew grammar means "I am", "I was", and "I will be".[3]The meaning of the longer phrase’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh is debated, and might be seen as a promise ("I will be with you") or as statement of incomparability ("I am without equal").[2]
Here are two other reference.