Jacob’s trouble is happening. They have recently placed the Hebrew Israelites “movement” in the spotlight and not in a positive way because of the so called connection to one of the Jersey City shooters of a Jewish market that ended with 6 dead including the shooters.
Of course, my condolences and prayers to those who lost their lives and to their families. here is yet another senseless act of violence.
It is no accident that officials are making the attempt to sully the nation by connecting the shooter to the awakening. They are running scared and definitely stepping up their game in trying to stop the awakening and growth of the nation.
They will soon see that they can’t stop what The Most High has ordained. Pray for the Nation, pray for the family. Shalom.
See attached article.
I agree sister -- Big Judah sent out a post for prayer last night ( the nation of Isreal all together) at 7 west coast time -- I was on my knees at 9:00 my time ; I felt the spirit move for this was one of the things I prayed about --I think he is going to do this again next week just watch for his post under his community tab on Wednesday but this was just put directly on his channel. Thanks Sis for the article🙏