Shalawam and much Siloam family. I give all praises to the creator, HaWaH, His Son, Yahawashi, and to the Earthly Mother who is Wisdom, the Ruach Ha'Qodesh!
Now, our eternal and everlasting Godhead has done for us that which we have not the mind nor heart to bear the weight. I cannot contain my joy in this news, and I will not keep this knowledge to myself as of this day.
Family, HaWaH has unsealed a book called The Writings of Abraham. This book is one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mind shattering records written. I strongly suggest that if your heart longs for truth and understanding about the Book of Mor, the Bible, Jasher, and much more that your read it. Know that this record is a second witness to what Jasher says, thus confirming our record. It is also a second witness the the Legends of the Jews, a book translated and compiled by an man named Lewis Ginzberg. Quickly and speedily print off the words written in this record, because I know they will be sealed again soon enough by those who fear we will put our focus on it. It confirms the words of the Three witnesses of Elder Big Judah, Elder Ahyal Ban Gad Ban Yasharalah One Nation One Power, and Elder Nabayal Sabaya.
This is for those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and the people of HaWaH. Hear what the Angel of HaWaH has to say unto the church (Rev.3)
"Open your ears and your eyes, for my light is nigh and my voice cries from the heavens! I am nigh! You may long for me on days you see me not, and you may want me on days that I come not yet! Await, for shortly do I come. I have given you the promise of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob. You are mine, and I am yours. I have heard you for I am HaWaH. I have heard your cries, and seen your tears. I have been with you in the fire of your hurt. I have been with you in the rivers of your tears. I am in you, and I am with you. Look not up, for the birds will proceed you. Look not down for the fish and beast of the earth will proceed you. I will come when you expect me not, and only my faithful shall be justified in my sight."
All praises to the Most High Creator! All praises to His Son! All honor to these and the the Holy Spirit! Shalawam and much siloam family. Stay strong, and keep on! He's almost here, just look in your heart and you'll find the bands of hell being released! Satan is running away and the Holy Spirit is filling you deeper and deeper every day! HaWaH.
Here are some links to the Writings of Abraham:
(Before I go family I leave you with these instructions. Print off this book from the links as fast as you can. This is currently free, but once it is spread abroad it will likely be either deleted or hidden. If you cannot access a pdf, then get the link with the whole book and make a word document or google doc. Copy and paste the book and print that off. That way, even if they delete the website, you will still have our father's record. Shalom.)
Thank you brother Ishmael Israel -- You have given us some Gems from The Most High
Shalom and Blessing to you