1. The GREAT ALMIGHTY POWER is life and health unto all my flesh, in YASHAYA name.
2. Every part of my body functions perfectly, in YASHAYA name.
3. I use the POWER of AHAYAH to meet any need, in YASHAYA name.
4. I do not lack any good thing, in YASHAYA name.
5. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing, in YASHAYA name.
6. I refuse to be poor; YASHAYA has redeemed me from the curse of poverty, in YASHAYA name.
7. Poverty and lack are underneath my feet, in yashaya name.
8. I am the head and not the tall, in YASHAYA name.
9. Wealth and riches are in my house, in YASHAYA name.
10. My faith can come under tests, but I will pass the tests, in YASHAYA
11. I will not become bitter towards anyone, I will pray for those who
slander me, in yashaya name.
12. I am an overcomer because I live by faith and not by sight, in YASHAYA
13. THE GREAT ALMIGHTY POWER AHAYAH has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, in YASHAYA name.
14. I have mountain-moving faith, I speak to mountains and they obey
me, in YASHAYA name.
15. I do not fear the future because I trust in THE GREAT ALMIGHTY POWER AHAYAH, in YASHAYA name.
16. I am the property of the ALMIGHTY POWER AHAYAH, in YASHAYA name.
17. I dwell in the secret place of the MOST HIGH HIGH POWER, in YASHAYA name.
18. The power of AHAYAH is in me and no foe can with stand me, in YASHAYA