Boudicca-Mama Ruach had led me reading a lot of Boudicca for months. I was drawn to her story, the pain she felt and the courage she received because of the atrocities in her life. More importantly, her warrior spirit. Her story was also confirmed in the Kolbrin Bible. u
The background story "Medieval tales that kids can read & tell"


There are so many books about Boudicca. Some say she has two daughter others say she has three daughters. Some say her hair was red, some say her hair was fair. She ride in her chariot during the battles. There are youtube videos on her story as well.

The History of Britain _
Prasutagus King of the Icenians abounding in wealth had left Cæsar Coheir with his two Daughters; thereby hopeing to have secur'd from all wrong both his Kingdom and his House; which fell out farr otherwise. For under colour to oversee and take possession of the Emperors new Inheritance, his Kingdome became a prey to Centurions, his House to rav'ning Officers, his Wife Boadicea violated with stripes, his Daughters with Rape, the wealthiest of his Subjects, as it were by the will and testament of thir King thrown out of their Estates, his kindred made little better then slaves.
This book described her death. Other "historical books" mention that her way of death was unknown saying she got sick or die in battle. This book is the most truth because it tells why she didn't allow the Romans to capture her family from the children's book in the beginning.
Knights, kings and conquerors : 20 stories from British history