Shalom Family,
Here are some things mention about wells.
In Israel wells are excavated in the limestone, with steps descending to them
Jacob's well is 75 ft. deep, seven feet six inches in diameter, and lined with rough masonry; a pitcher unbroken at the bottom evidenced that there was water at some seasons, otherwise the fall would have broken the pitcher.
In the book Maya the Riddle and Rediscovery, Thompson discovers a well. p.192
Formations of this kind known as cenotes are common In the northern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula. They are deep natural depressions in the limestone surface and are fed by subterranean streams. As there are no rivers or lakes anywhere in the area, cenotes provide the only source of water, and wherever they are found ruins are certain to be close at hand. It was roughly two hundred feet in diameter and encased by vertical limestone walls that rose to a height of sixty feet from the surface of its murky green waters.
".. . in times of drought, pestilence, or disaster, solemn processions of priests, devotees with rich offer- ings, and victims for the sacrifice wound down the steep stairway of the Temple of Kukulcan, the Sacred Serpent, and along the Sacred Way to the Well of Sacrifice. There, amid the droning boom of the tunkul, the shrill pipings of the whistle and the plaintive notes of the flute, beautiful maidens and captive warriors of renown, as well as rich treasures, were thrown into the dark waters of the Sacred Well to propitiate the angry gods who, it was believed, lived in the deeps of the pool."
"The lords and principal personages of the land had the custom, after sixty days of abstinence and fasting, of arriving by daybreak at the mouth of the Cenote and throwing into it Indian women belonging to each of these lords and personages, at the same time telling these women to ask for their masters a year favorable to his particular needs and desires. "The women, being thrown in unbound, fell into the water with great force and noise. At high noon those that could cried out loudly and ropes were let down to them. After the women came up, half dead, fires were built around them and copal incense was burned before them. When they recovered their senses, they said that below there were many people of their nation, men and women, and that they received them. When they tried to raise their heads to look at them, heavy blows were given them on the head, and when their heads were inclined downward beneath the water they seemed to see many deeps and hollows, and they, the people, responded to their queries concerning the good or the bad year that was in store for their masters."
I saw two yellow-white, globular masses lying on the surface of the chocolate-colored