Shalawam and much Siloam family!
I can't help but give all praises to the Father of Light, as well as glory to the son, HaWaH, and the Ruach Ha'Qodesh. I was finishing up some studies and meditations when the Ruach Ha'Qodesh allowed me to look at some old things that I had written down when she allowed me to. One of which is called Accounts of Creation. I was heavily meditating on Genesis and the different accounts of how the father made the Earth. Wisdom then whispered in thought and suggested that the days of creation parallel with the awakening. I thought it was quite intriguing and I could not help but run after figuring it out. I read over Genesis, again and again, then I tried to compare the history and see if it paralleled with Genesis. She then opened my eyes and granted me her sight. I was briefly allowed to see from the eyes of eternity and speak from the depth of my soul. She only spoke to me in that which I understood.
Elder Yahudiym said it best while on the livestream recently, the Ruach Ha'Qodesh will only speak to you if you read certain books for yourself. This was written before I had it within me to acknowledge the days of light before I had really read the Book of Mor. This was before the deep things were unsealed. I will have to go back over this with the more understanding that I currently have and ask for guidance in correcting any errors. If your spirit is moved to read this, please do. My heart was moved to share this once I realized that it connected with the last post that the Most High moved me to make.
With that said, much love family;
And may the Most High Power bless you with peace, life, and the treasures of eternity through his only begotten son HaWaH by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Shalawam and much Siloam.
Version 1
Todah! @Hawaceph Ban Mannasseh keep following the Ruach in all things & sharing the knowledge she gives.