Here are the two videos of "Prophetic Dreams"....this CHRISTIAN pastor, claiming to have seen the coming "persecution"....
I only have a couple questions:
Are WE the wolves? Because this pastor says "Christ was Jewish, not white" but he won't say HEBREWS ARE BLACK / BROWN / COPPER COLORED. So are we like the wolves when we say that this Church of Mahan leader is wrong? Because even satan when tempting Eve told part of the truth. It's the little foxes that spoil the whole crop....the parts that they won't agree with, that makes them dishonest. So do Christians see us HEBREWS or ISRAELITES who claim Yeshaya was "A BLACK MAN" (or a Dark Brown / Copper Colored man) as wolves who are somehow going against the TRUTH?
Does this guy understand that the persecution and "brace yourself" mean that they are going to receive the punishment, whether they fight it or not?
Here is the Prophetic Dream regarding the Months:
Persecution Dream:
BTW... Our next feast days are in September (Day of Atonement) and October (Tabernacles).
November is the pagan "THANKSGIVING" holiday, the month where the "fist punches the calendar".
December, our feast day (Dedication) is where we are to be thankful to Ahayah for keeping us. (hopefully this will be on the land....)
It's not in these people to admit the truth of the real Messiah
He is a Christian believing in the establish Church of Mahan. "A very dark figure runs into the mist of all these wolves and begin to whip them awaken". Then the figure says "GO Into The Cities". Matthew 24:16 he told our Ancestors to flee into the hills, (with what you have on your back). If we are the wolves then Father is sending his 144 into the city to hunt and destroy. Now I am not discounting these dreams but we must remember satan also gives prophetic dreams to his people also. The Children of the Light our Father has already told us what will be. Perhaps these dreams are for the Gentiles who are still Sleep.