Exodus 32 to 34.
"While Moses was absent it was a time of waiting and suspense to
Israel. The people knew that he had ascended the mount with Joshua, and had entered the cloud of thick darkness which could be seen from the plain below, resting on the mountain peak, illuminated from time to time with the lightnings of the divine Presence."

"During this period of waiting, there was time for them to meditate upon the law of TMH which they had heard, and to prepare their
hearts to receive the further revelations that He might make to them."
"But they did not do this, and they soon became careless, inattentive, and lawless. Moses, though he had been warned by Ahayah was unprepared for the scene he witnessed of Y'israel.
"His anger was so fierce that he threw down the tables
of stone, and they were broken in the sight of all the people, thus
signifying that as they had broken their covenant with TMH, so there Creator had broken His covenant with them.
"Love no less than justice demanded that for this sin judgment should be inflicted. Father Ahayah is the guardian as well as the sovereign of
His people. He cuts off those who are determined upon rebellion,
that they may not lead others to ruin.