Corresponding to the celestial arrangement in the Northern hemisphere we have indicated the earthly or temporal sequential arrangement in the Southern hemisphere. The dates accorded the kua, however, are those pertaining to the solar pattern in the Northern hemisphere. As is indicated by these dates, the year is divided into eight parts, the median points between solstices and equinoxes, signifying the germinal beginning points of the seasons. Thus we see that the current of civilization—the flow of history—is chromatically, resonantly, and seasonally articulated
Aboriginal Phase: Red, orange. Red signifies the most primary life-urge, bodywarmth, and fire, the aboriginal basis of all human culture. Red is blood, the emergence of culture, and life energy. It is completely aboriginal, passionate, nomadic. Orange represents the stabilization of aboriginal lifestyle, the tempering of fire. Though it still signifies warmth, it is less passionate and more conservative than red. As the sedentary aboriginal phase, orange is generative, and represents stable prototypal culture from which civilization proper could spring. It is also historically concurrent, running alongside civilizational growth.