I am reading Maya the Riddle book (On Amazon 1959 edition cost $333) and the author visits the ruin in Copan, Honduras. This author was well traveled and had seen the Egyptian pyramids and other places. However, he have never seen such grand structure with the pyramids built in the Americas.
p. 38
Here were manifestations of creative activity wholly self-contained, ideals held fast in stone of a people whose origin was lost in obscurity and whose history was linked to no other known civilization. Stephens was not alone in his evaluation. It had been said before by one who had happened upon Copan : "The genii who attended on King Solomon seem to have been the artists." Investigation needed here. Any thoughts, Family? I am leaving that open. Remember King Solomon turned against the Most High in
1 Kings 11:5
The evidence continues p.40
Equally intriguing to Stephens was the atmosphere about the ruins which led one to speculate that the whole place was the creation of sorcerers rather than men of ordinary gifts an impression evoked not only by its jungle setting, the eerie cries of phantom-quick monkeys uttered from their unseen perches, the vivid sensation that one had traversed backward through history to reach the ancient city, but by something more tangible. Copan did not appear to have been a center whose inspiration was that of market places and commerce. Rather, it was a city of celestial monuments, of angular pyramids and chambered temples from which the faces of nameless gods had looked out upon ceremonial courtyards a meeting place of nobles, high priests, and oracles concerned with matters of science, art, philosophy, and metaphysics. The entire city was like a gigantic shrine. Stephens remarked that the sculptural figuration most frequently encountered was death's-heads: "There were whole rows of them on the outer wall, adding gloom to the mystery of the place, keeping death and the grave before the eyes of the living, presenting the idea of a holy city -the Mecca or Jerusalem of an unknown people."
This author really is really pumping truth!
p. 59
Emphatically he refuted the assumption so long in vogue that the aboriginal civilizations of the New World were linked to those of Europe or Asia. "The works of these people," he wrote, "are different from the works of any other known people; they are of a new order, and entirely and absolutely anomalous: they stand alone." Elsewhere Stephens concluded: I am inclined to think that there are not sufficient grounds for the belief in the great antiquity that has been ascribed to these ruins ; that they are not the works of people who have passed away and whose history has become unknown. For centuries the hieroglyphics of Egypt were inscrutable, and, though not perhaps in our day, I feel persuaded that a key surer than that of the Rosetta Stone will be discovered. And if only three centuries have elapsed since any one of the unknown cities was inhabited, the race of the inhabitants is not extinct. Their descendants are still in the land, scattered, perhaps, and retired, like our own Indians, into wildernesses which have not yet been penetrated by a white man.
This is lead by the HOLY SPIRIT, as knowledge increases in the end!