I shared TSP 88:31-53 as I ask him to allow THE HOLY SPIRIT to show him and wake him. This is his text.
When I first heard about La Palma, I remember all of the dreams I had about tidal waves and tsunamis.
I prayed about it that night, TMH woke me up and lead me to Luke 21 and 2 Esdras 16. Both mentioned to waves crashing.
I also had a waking vision of a Cheesecake Factory having all of the windows burst open….I couldn’t see what burst the windows open but I believe I was lead to believe/think it was a wall of water.
I actually did a video on it on FB if you want to check it out.
We all have to strive to keep our garments clean; and it is a fight everyday.
Thanks for sharing! I used to dream of tsunamis constantly when I lived on Kauai! It's coming!