Happy Pesach / Passover Season Family! It was a joy to watch everyone enjoying at ONOP Headquarters! And it is my deepest hope you all had a wonderful celebration in your corner of the world!
The Most High has passed over us and many of us can sense the change in the air. The time of the gentiles rule has ended for sure and they are scrambling.
Case in point...
This COVID 19 Vaccination - we were in fear that there was going to be a database that folks can use to scan us and tell if we had our vaccination.
There isnt. There simply isnt.
Look, the US Government is running on computer systems that were developed, in many cases, in the early 1980's or early 1990's at the latest. They are not working with 2020's technology yet. They simply don't have that bandwidth to do all those things that Apple or Microsoft or Google can do. So the US Government isn't going to be tracking you with anything more than a paper card for your vaccination.
Some of these systems are still running COBOL - Yall techies know what I'm saying. I'm surprised if there isn't something running visual Basic.... OLD OLD OLD YALL. I mean, we expecting to see flying cars and they still running 1979 Cutlass Supremes. They just ain't got it like that.
They want us to BELIEVE they do. To keep us in fear. But they simply don't. They spent way too much money on those old computer systems, they aren't going to simply rip them out and "upgrade" them...that would be a capital expenditure of monumental proportions. So they do it piecemeal. And they outsource a lot of stuff.
They did not outsource the COVID 19 vaccine database. Simply didnt give themselves enough time. The vaccine was done in 9 months. They certainly didn't have programmers on call to get the mobile app running that fast. They couldn't even get ventilators. And Congress wasn't going to spend the absolute millions of dollars it would cost to hire contract programmers to work on a solution. And their systems are so old and antiquated that a solution would take about 1-3 years in Project Management terms...minimum.
I mean they'd have to build a system to convert the data from the old system, then another system to process the output from the new system converting the data, then convert it to xml for a database, then put it into something like SQL and make it run in seconds not minutes....not gonna happen with all that delay...and then put it into a user interface that is secure (html won't cut it, they need encryption and that is a whole other team).
So simply put. They ain't got it like that. The US Government isn't as fly as they want us to think they are.
That being said... I watched Lisa Cabrera's video about how there isn't a database for the COVID 19 vaccine (like that movie songbird everyone was getting all bothered about would have us believe).
Video: https://youtu.be/6fL3PPhOVM0
WE are MELCHIZADEK order! Perhaps the Most High is giving us a window to bypass this mess...
Just in case, if you think it would matter, here is are some copies of .jpg and .pdf for the cards. Print them on cardstock and get them laminated if you like. And for the codes, the last ones I saw said Moderna - 025L20A but I think the first three numbers change. Only the L20A seems to be the same so its xxxL20A.
Just sayin...more research needed, but it may be an opening.
Shalom Family - let me know your thoughts. Alleluia