p. 21
Verse 2
And I fasted and prayed for twenty-two days (bottom of page)
p. 149
Verse 2
And it came to pass that as I looked with Urim
I began again to see Adah in the encampment where Lamech had placed her
And I beheld that Iona was born during the tenth year of the captivity of her mother
Therefore altogether Adah was in captivity twenty-two years
And I could tell by the view with the Urim that I was about to see the circumstances surrounding the birth of Iona
It appears to me that Naamah is about eight years old and Jubal and Jabal are about five
p. 365
59. And from time to time he would see travelers fleeing from the valley And he knew that only the righteous would do so being led by the Spirit because the wicked were consumed in their strong intentions to kill one another and find dominance over their fellows and the spirit of vengeance enlarged itself And in his heart Noah rejoiced at the prospect o f the righteous coming to safety And the wind sang together with the trees and the thunder clapped her hands in joy And each day the Eerkodeshoi felt more and more confident in the performance of their task 60.And it came to pass that early in this period of twenty-two days the animals began to be instructed of that which was about to transpire And they moved about in ways not seen before And they burst into the dwellings of the wicked
And to me it felt almost like a forewarning to them and their last call to repentance And many of the animals fled away from the places where they had lived since ancient times And they large and small began to move to higher ground And many came upon the slopes of the hill where the ark rested
And they felt welcome because they had been summoned in their spirits by the instructions of Noah
The Orion prophecy- A lot of Info here. The Numbers are significant. I see 22 again. The Conjunction is Dec 21-22 perhaps too. Read in between the lines...
influence on the cataclysm whatsoever!