1. Thank You ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH for Your merciful kindness and patience over my life.
2ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, in anyway, I have fallen short of Your glory, have mercy and forgive me.
3ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, help me to imbibe Your nature of patience.
4. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, help me to wait patiently for Your promises, for my life, instead of cutting corners.
5. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH let Your fire consume every spirit of anger and impatience, in my life, in YASHAYA name.
6. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, remind me always that we are not all equally endowed, so help me to accommodate the weaknesses in others, and be patient with them.
7. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, as a good soldier of Christ, help me to endure trials and afflictions, knowing that every problem has an expiry day.
8. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH let all things continue to work together for my good, as I place my trust in You.
9. ALMIGHTY FATHER AHAYAH, give me the grace and strength, never to stop or be weary, in doing good, because, if I faint not, I shall be highly rewarded.
10. ALMIGHTY FATHER AHAYAH, please, help me to look beyond my present suffering, unto the joy, promises and rewards, placed ahead of me.
11. ALMIGHTY Father AHAYAH, please help me to patiently wait for Your perfect timing in all things, in YASHAYA name.
12.ALMIGHTY Father,AHAYAH empower me to press on, to the mark of a higher calling in YASHAYA, instead of resting on past achievements and basking in old glories.