1. I bind all principalities and powers in the air operating over and within my life, in the name of YASHAYA.
2. I bind all wickedness in high places and evil thrones the air operating
over and within my life, in the name of YASHAYA.
3. I bind all evil dominions and strongmen in the air operating over and
within my life, in the name of YASHAYA.
4. I bind every witchcraft control and mind-blinding spirit, in the name
5. I strip each spirit off their power and rank and I separate each of them
from one another, in the name of YASHAYA.
6. I cast out every witchcraft arrow affecting my senses (sight, smell,
taste, hearing), in the name of YASHAYA.
7. I command every witchcraft arrow to depart from my
- spinal cord
- spleen
- navel
- heart
- throat
- between the eyes
- top of the head.
8. I bind every evil presence in my bodily system
- reproductive
- digestive
- respiratory
- nervous
- skeletal
- muscular
- circulatory
- endocrine
- excretory
9. I break the backbone and destroy the root of every spirit speaking
against me, in the name of YASHAYA.
10. Every astral projection against me, I frustrate you, in YASHAYA name.
11. Every complicated evil network against me, be eaten up by the
elements, in the name of YASHAYA.
12. I bind every power pulling anything in my body towards evil by means
of energy drawn from the sun, the moon and the stars, in the name of
13. I bind every power pulling anything in my body towards evil by means
of energy drawn from the planets and constellations and the earth, in the name of YASHAYA.
14. I bind every power pulling anything in my body towards evil by means
of energy drawn from the . . . in YASHAYA name.
- air
- wind
- fire
- water
- light
- darkness
- elements
15. Any power drawing energy against me from evil lines and circles, fall
down and die, in the name of YASHAYA.
16. I forbid any transference of spirit into my life from my family, friends
and associates, in the name of YASHAYA.
17. Every altar speaking against my divine destiny, be dismantled, in the name of YASHAYA.
18. I bring the blood of YASHAYA over the spirit that does not want to let me
go, in the name of YASHAYA.
19. Let the blood of YASHAYA purge me of every witchcraft contaminating
material, in the name of YASHAYA.
20. I destroy the hand of witchdoctor working against me, in the name of
21. Every witchcraft spirit attempting to build wall against my destiny, fall
down and die, in the name of YASHAYA.
22. I send the rain of affliction upon every marine witchcraft working
against me, in the name of YASHAYA.
23. O sun, moon, stars, earth, water and the elements, vomit every
enchantment that is against me, in the name of YASHAYA
24. Every power using the heavenlies against me, fall down and be
disgraced, in the name of YASHAYA.
25. Let the stars of heaven begin to fight for me, in YASHAYA name.
26. O ALMIGHTY POWER AHAYAH, arise and scatter every conspiracy in the heavenlies that is
against me, in the name of YASHAYA.
27. I break with the blood of YASHAYA all evil soul ties affecting my life, in
the name of YASHAYA.
28. Spirit of the living Power AHAYAH, come upon my life and place a shield of
protection around me, in the name of YASHAYA.
29. Every chain of inherited witchcraft in my family, be destroyed, in the
name of YASHAYA.
30. Every ladder used by witchcraft against me, be roasted, in the name of
31. Any door that I have opened to witchcraft in any area of my life, be
closed for ever by the blood of YASHAYA.