I’m currently reading The Book of REMEMBRANCE...1st and 2nd books of Achee and I’ve been blown away so many times already but I have to share this!
1 Achee 1:49 “It was because of this covenant that the Lord God bestowed upon Shem the name of Melchizedek which by interpretation means My King is Righteousness. Sedeqetwlebab is the rib of this Melchizedek for the righteousness of God that her husband established is as a treasure hidden in her heart.“
BUT Family...that’s not all...
Melchizedek is MICHAEL!
1 Achee 1:61 “Now behold another great mystery it was this great man establishomg and defining this holy order of priesthood in element that it could be said of him that Messiah would be ordained after the Order of Melchizedek and we to can likewise participate in the doings of creation and the affairs of salvation because of the Religion of Shabuwa and by this great man Melchizedek we too being called and ordained by God into the Holy Order of the Priesthood can intervene in these days of wickedness and vengeance Insomuch that the earth may rest and we too can herald the deeds of Messiah and the destruction of the wicked in tribulation time for all this do the Eerkodeshoi call Melchizedek MICHAEL and for this did the Messiah say by the mouth of the prophets MICHAEL WILL HELP ME.
I got my book Wednesday I read 1 Achee 1:49 “It was because of this covenant that the Lord God bestowed upon Shem the name of Melchizedek which by interpretation means My King is Righteousness. Sedeqetwlebab is the rib of this Melchizedek for the righteousness of God that her husband established is as a treasure hidden in her heart.“ but not 1 Achee 1:61
Amazing whats in here
Glory glory glory . The Creator is great and holy , the Most Holy for generation and generation .
Majesty goes before him , and after him abundance of many waters.Loving kindness and truth are about his face ; truth and judgement and righteousness are the pedestal of his throne .He divides light from obscurity;he establishes the dawn by knowledge of his heart. When all his angels saw it , they sang , for he showed them that which they had not known .He crowns the mountains with fruit , with good food for all the living .Blessed be the master of the earth with his power , who establishes the world by his wisdom .By his understanding he stretched out the heaven , and brought forth wind from his stores.He made lightning for the rain ,and mist from the end of the earth .
Hymn to the Creator .
Dead sea scrolls .