Octavian Amir Lee Stafford, a student under YaHaWaH through His only begotten Son Yahawashi Ha'Mashiach in the annointed Ruach Ha'Qodesh, I give all praises, thanks and credit, to the Holy Witnesses in Heaven that see all things in the Heavens and Earths.
2 Peter 1:4-11
• One must flee from the lust of their own hearts, since lusts produce sin. It is nessecary to leave/fast from the world and try to be clean to get into the presence of YaHaWaH. Once you are not enslaved to your lusts it is easier to obey YaHaWaH, Yahawashi, and the Ruach Ha'Qodesh.
~(James 1:13-15).
~(Agrapha 5; Gospel of Thomas 27).
[If you have a search bar option in these PDF documents, search up the term fast and click through the items until the wanted saying comes up]
•Give all diligence to..., or pay attention to your situation in all aspects possible and harken to the creator. Enact the previous step, or overcome your lusts.
•Add virtue, or add moral to your lack of lust and set boundaries.
•Add to virtue knowledge, this is where applying the Torah comes in. You are constantly learning from the bible and other apocryphal scripture and precepts. As you start to apply your morals adapt them to what you are learning.
•Add to knowledge temperance, or control your emotions after you have begun applying your morals and boundaries.
•Add to temperance patience, or be patient with both others and yourself because both you and others have to adapt to the new version of you being created.
•Add to patience the fear of Yah, or don't let your patience be an excuse to allow yourself to sin. Be consistent in your actions in the fear of your all powerful creator and establish the line in the sand that you will not cross). This is how you help manifest the respect for YaHaWaH and the witnesses in heaven.
•Add to the fear of Yah brotherly kindness, or treat your brethren as you would have them treat you in all manner of action, speech, and thought. Extend this unto strangers and if they reject you than so be it. Be respectful about the fact that the boundary has been established.
•Add to brotherly kindness love, or manifest your care for others in your actions and carry out the previous step. Be ready to give your life for your brethren as well; since our brother, high priest, and shephard has done for us, so must we do for others.
Peter says that if all of these things abound in you, you shall not be barren unfruitful in the knowledge of Yahawashi Ha'Mashiach. This is the way to be the seed that fell on good ground in Yahawashi's parable of the scattered seeds.
He also says that if any man lacks them that he is unable to see afar off, likely into eternity, and that he has forgotten the truth of Yahawashi Ha'Mashiach.
If you give due diligence, or enact these things, you will make your calling of election sure and shall never fall. This is the straight way and straight gate. This is Yahawashi Ha'Mashiach, the way into His everlasting kingdom.
If you see any folly in this lesson know that it's me, not YaHaWaH, neither Yahawashi, nor the Ruach Ha'Qodesh. All praises and glory goes to YaHaWaH, Yahawashi, and the Ruach Ha'Qodesh for any edification that has taken place. With that said, HaWaH!
Thanks brother Shalom. The process in obtaining these fruits is like a physical workout but it's our Spirit we working out , and I will continue to give all honor and praise to our father Yahawah and His Son and the Ruach Ha' Qodesh they continue to give me the willingness to exercise these in my life.