Shalom, hola, Aani...
Just wanted to share on sprouting. My sister, a health missionary Hiawatha reminded me how to sprout a few week ago. You take about 3-5 tablespoons of sprouting seeds put them in a jar, in about 1/2 cup of water, with about 6-10 drops of Grapeseed Extract, soak overnight or for around 6 hours, that's for larger seeds, smaller seeds even less.
You put cheesecloth on the mouth of the jar, using a rubberband. Drain the seeds. Then you will rinse them 3 x's a day, for a few days and then enjoy!
It's a good way to save money, have a healthy reliable food source. 🌱🌱🌱
My sister taught me how to grow wheatgrass, also, using wheatberries... I would like to try some this spring, Ahaya willing. Shalom🗻🌄🌠🌋🌈ðŸŒ