I am so thankful for each one of you. Thankful for your love, prayers, and support. This family that is coming together under melchizedek is incredible. I will continue to do all I can to awaken each one of the children of Yasharala and those joined unto them everyday. I will pray for you, give of my time energy and resources as much as I can. I've only ever dreamed of a family like this! -KHEMDAH

Thawada for everything that you guys do. It's definately helped my walk with the Most High, and had gotten mess closer with him
All Praises to the Most High! I thank the Most High for you all at One Nation One Power. Words cant express how much this ministry has helped me on this journey. Waterfall Blessings!
Todah my sister in Spirit, Azure/Khemdah, you are one of the great pillars of Our Nation. Melchizedek is back again on Earth. You are doing so much work in the background and hope in the near future to be able to help.
All praises to the Most High Yah! I thank him for this ministry. You my sister are helping many souls get to the kingdom. Much love to you always.
Beautiful Sister my heart feels the same💜💙
Thank You Azure for allowing the MOST HIGH to use you for HIS GLORY. We appreciate your work in these last days!!! I pray that the MOST HIGH continues to Bless, protect and prosper you and your family!