Watch video start at 5:00 mark
Back in the early Lemurian days before the laggards came, and before the world fell into its present state of atheistic materialism, human greed was unknown. In those days, men had never heard of such a preposterous thing as earning a living by the sweat of one's brow. In fact, they were totally unacquainted with sweat. They enjoyed a perfect climate. They did not live in huts or hovels; they lived in the most exquisite surroundings amid an endless globe-encircling garden of trees and grass and flowers prepared under the direction of Amaryllis Herself, the Goddess of Spring.
~~~~~~~When a family group sat down to dine, the family head, the father, presided at the communion ceremony, for that is what it was. The group prepared to eat of the body of God-substance; to drink of the elixir of His circulating energies. In a degraded manner the communion service practiced by churchianity today is an attempt to produce this ancient Lemurian custom of precipitation.
~~~~~~~The Lemurian family group, their minds held steady in the light of Universal Light, joined in the thanksgiving and acceptance ceremony for that which they were about to receive. Instantaneous precipitation followed, with the table bedecked with the finest linens, silver and dishes, and laden with an abundance of food and drink which met the exact nutritive requirements of that particular family.
~~~~~~~At the close of the meal the mother performed the next necessary ceremony of etherialization, or returning to Universal Supply all unused food and drink and all table accessories. This is the key step in the precipitation process. If the etherialization process is not performed in love, and faith and confidence, then the ability to precipitate further supply is withdrawn. In other words, as children of God we are entitled to as much of His abundance as we can use to serve Life constructively. If we precipitate food then we are not privileged to toss the left-overs into the garbage can or store them in the refrigerator. They must be returned to the universal storehouse where the molecules are broken up and the atoms freed for use elsewhere.