AWFUL STATE OF THINGS IN AMERICA. THE WAR CLOUDS GATHERING. (From the New York Herald.) "We begin to fear that this unhappy country is on the eve of a bloody civil war, a final dismemberment of the Union-the destruction of the present Government, and the ruin of all free institutions. Do you want our reasons? Here they are. "The revelations recently made, and daily making, of the gross frauds upon the ballot-box.' committed by both parties, gives a picture of demoralization that makes the honest heart sick-sick-sick of human life. It really appears to us, that whichever party succeeds at the next election, it will be by fraud on the ballot-box; and if so, the defeated faction will not submit, but resort to physical force to revenge themselves. The frauds at Baltimore, the frauds at Philadelphia, the frauds in Ohio, the frauds in New York, are revealed and revealing; and in' spite of explanations, disclosures, oaths, and affidavits by the hogshead, we must believe that the political leaders of both parties are guilty guilty-guilty of gross and terrible corruption.
SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS. The following account is taken from a printed sheet which has been lately published, and is supposed to be authentic; but we cannot now readily ascertain the exact date of this singular occurrence. " A most wonderful phenomenon was observed last week by the inhabitants of Hull and the neIghbourhood. A perfectly blood-red flag was seen flying in the -elements, which illuminated the horizon for many miles around. At intervals it changed its form, assuming that of a cross, sword, and many other shapes At one o'clock on Friday morning the town was nearly as light as noonday; the inhabitants were parading the street., fear and dismay pictured ill their countenances. This wonder continued until three o'clock, when it gradually went to the westward, illuminating the Humber, as it seemed to sink in her waters. Then for a few seconds all became total darkness, when from the northwest by north, arose the most beautiful light, which shot away towards the western hemisphere, leaving in its train the most beautiful and variegated colours, and which the eye might readily form into armies drawn up in the order of battle, charging and retreating alternately, and then again all was wrapped in the sable curtains of night. It appears that many signs were seen on the same night, in different parts of the kingdom." p. 215