66 And many of their records are from testimonies of others who were also not present when these events occurred. Therefore, all the histories among the children of men have been corrupted by the precepts and opinions of the men who have taken upon themselves to write these histories.
67 But if a man is not there at the time that an event occureth, then how shall he make the claim that his interpretation of that event is the truth regarding it? But the prophets of God know the history of men. And these prophets do not know the history of men by the power of their own sight, or by their own understanding. But these are given unto them by the power of the Spirit.
68 And those that are in the spirit world see all things that occur among the children of men in mortality. And a record of these events is recorded by those who have been given this calling by the Father, under the direction of the holy Ghost (Spirit, Ruach)