“I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going. I have respect for the past, but I'm a person of the moment. I'm here, and I do my best to be completely centered at the place I'm at, then I go forward to the next place.”
Maya Angelou
[7] And I answered and said, "What will be the dividing of the times? Or when will be the end of the first age and the beginning of the age that follows?"
[8] He said to me, "From Abraham to Isaac, because from him were born Jacob and Esau, for Jacob's hand held Esau's heel from the beginning.
[9] For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows.
[10] For the beginning of a man is his hand, and the end of a man is his heel; between the heel and the hand seek for nothing else, Ezra!"
4 Ezra or 2 Esdras 6:7-10
The following document is a hopeful documentation about the prophetic fulfillment of Yahuceph's life in his children's lives, which has been promised by the Creator, His prophets, and son Yahawashi our Ha’Mashiach. I will try to explain what I mean plainly. Joseph went through certain life events that prophecied of the travails, sorrows, and joys of his children.
In the days of Joseph's youth, he waxed strong in wisdom and stature and gained favor in the sight of his father and mother. In the days of his infancy did his parents teach him to walk in the paths of uprightness.
2. Even as Joseph was raised up, so were the sons and daughters of Ephraim and Manasseh. These two peoples grew and waxed mighty in strength and wisdom amongst their brethren(Hosea 11:3).
3. Joseph lived a good life and walked with Ahaya. He received many visions and partook of the blessings of the Father of Light. He received such favor, and his brethren were slowly stirred up to wrath and envy for his favor. It even happened that in the youth of his probation that he received two dreams. These dreams caused Satan to be uplifted in the hearts of his own family by their evil emotions. First, the word of Ahaya came unto him and showed the sheaves of his brethren bowing before his sheaves. Yea, he also received the vision that he would rule over the sun, the moon, and even the stars of heaven.
4. After he had told his brethren of these two dreams, they found that Ahaya had given two witnesses that he should rule over them. Their hearts were stirred up unto malice so that they imagined evil designs against their brother. Is it not written in the testimonies of the patriarchs of every such malice that filled the hearts against their precious brother. Their brother who was the firstborn to his own mother, and most precious in her sight; a son so precious that her faith was increased towards the tender mercies of the Father; yea, insomuch that she prophesied of the birth of Benjamin.
5. Satan did even grasp the hearts of the children of Israel so that when the chance was provided they sold their brother into Egypt. They hated Joseph so much that they ate bread while he was afflicted in the pit, and further designed to kill him if it was not for Ahaya bringing compassion back into the heart of Reuben. They lied to their father, and never knew what befell their precious brother.
6. This was all prophecy as to what was going to happen with our fathers from the time of Moses until the time of King Hosea; yea, that same Hosea who led our fathers to Arsareth.
7. As Joseph was taught to walk by his parents, our Fathers were taught to walk in the ways of righteousness during those forty years in the desert. The House of Israel waxed with wisdom and stature and she grew and multiplied her sons and daughters upon the face of the earth. Many of her prophets prophecied and spoke the word of Ahaya, judges were raised up to keep the people, and kings were also given to these people. All of this was so that the house of Joseph and Israel might grow in the ways of Ahaya.
8. Before the death of our patriarchs, it was prophesied that the seed of Joseph would rule over his brethren. Our fathers saw through the eyes of eternity and spoke from the depths of their souls. They prophesied many words concerning the seed of Joseph and also of the generations after them.
9. Moses also prophesied of the reign of the House of Joseph over his brethren. Though many prophets beside Moses lived in those days and their records are sealed before us until this day. I cannot say if they did prophesy or not concerning the House of Joseph, but by Wisdom I can hope they did.
10. This prophecy can even be found in the covenant given to David, who came from Judah, that if any of his descendants were to forsake Ahaya that another would be set up in his stead.
11. Solomon fulfilled this prophecy, but he also fulfilled another part of the prophecy that is not so much acknowledged by the children of men.
12. Many find prophecy from the words of the children of men, by mediums, seers, wizards, necromancers, or by some means of the word. Very few children of men find the prophecy in the actions of the fathers.
13. Adam's life was a prophecy for the plan of salvation. Adam sinned, and the prophecied of the times when his children would fall into wickedness. He also repented was baptized by both water and the fire of the Ruach Qadash. These two baptisms prophecied of the death of the old generations of Seth, Able, and Cain and the raising up of the generations of Noah; the baptism of fire resulted in the prophecy of the destruction of the end of the wicked entirely, since Adam's wickedness was also destroyed in the presence of the Ruach Qadash.
14. Moses's life, especially during the Exodus, was a prophecy for these last days. Moses became the hand of Ahaya in bringing the plagues upon Pharaoh in Egypt until the people could flee into the wilderness. He came with ten thousands of his saints for mount Horeb and waged war against the Moabites, Amalekites, and many giants that were in the land. From these two events came the prophecy of the latter-day exodus of the children of Israel. Just as Moses was the right hand of Ahaya, so is Yashaya in these days as the plagues of Abraham befall the earth. Moses was once thought to have fulfilled the prophecy of Enoch until he also bore record that he was only a type of things yet to come. Did not Jude and Ezra testify of the tens of thousands of saints that were going to be coming with Yashaya; though I will ask you, Is not One-hundred and forty-four thousand more than ten thousands of saints?
15. Nevertheless, we are also seeing here in this record that Joseph's life is a prophecy and a type for the latter-days.
16. Concerning the days of Solomon, it was during this time that idolatry was established in the kingdom of Israel. The people were thrown into a pit of darkness; yea, even heavy darkness. Solomon was rebuked by the prophet, who had been moved by the spirit of our father Reuben. Reuben had mercy on Joseph and sought to gain favor in the sight of his father by restoring Joseph back to him from the pit. Reuben's spirit saw the days of Solomon and knew that he needed someone to rebuke Solomon and compel him to repent of his sin, or else the kingdom would be rent from him in such a weight that it would be equivalent to the sons of Israel killing Joseph. Ahaya was pleased with Reuben's spirit and aided him by sending words to one of his prophets to compel Solomon to repent.
17. Sadly, just like when Reuben left Joseph alone with his other brothers, the spirit of Reuben left Israel for a time. When he returned, he found that Solomon only had waxed worse and stirred up Ahaya unto heavy wrath. Reuben's spirit could not help but mourn because he was unable to stop this prophecy, and he was going to be forced to relive the sorrows he felt like when Joseph left him for many years.
18. When Reuben's spirit returned, Rehoboam had already caused the nine and a half tribes to separate from Judah and take refuge under Ephraim and Jeroboam. The reason why Solomon was the one who established Idol worship in Israel was that Judah is the one who suggested that Joseph should be sold to the Ishmaelites.
19. Reuben's spirit mourned at this sight and repeated what he did in his time of probation. When he was in that time of probation, and he saw that Joseph wasn't in the pit, he asked his brothers why and lectured them about selling Joseph. Reuben stirred up Rehoboam's spirit to wage war against his brothers and establish dominance, perchance he might be able to stop Joseph from being sold again. This is why Rehoboam decided to wage war against Israel when they rebelled against him.
20. This did not please Ahaya, and his only begotten saw this. Yashaya stood up and told Reuben to sit back so that prophecy could unfold according to how the lives of the fathers went. Yashaya interceded and moved his prophet to quench the anger in Rehoboam's heart.
21. Thus was the House of Joseph sold into bondage like their father. They were bound to Satan in idolatry. Many of the nine and a half tribes struggled to remain in power in some form of monarchy, but this was simply the spirit of their fathers of not wanting to be subject under Joseph. This is why Ephraim struggled to lead his people.
Joseph was subject under Potiphar, but Ahaya had mercy on him. He made his captivity light and Joseph became rather content with his station. It was Potiphar's wife who eventually began to lust after Joseph and falsely accuses him to have him sent to prison for resister he wiles.
2. Joseph was left in that prison for many years, and again Ahaya had mercy on him and blessed his hands. Ahaya had so much mercy on Joseph that in the place of his worst affliction, he raised him up to be a prophet.(Psalms 81:5-7; Jasher 49:14)
3. Before Ahaya moved Joseph to bless the nation of Egypt, and even the world of that famine to come, Ahaya made Joseph minister to those in the prison house. Joseph had no idea who he was healing. He might've healed angels, but he knew it not. Once Joseph had been found faithful, Ahaya sent the servants of Pharaoh to test Joseph. Ahaya is not pleased with the pleasers of men, so he gave the two visions to the two servants. One dream was good and one was evil, and this was to see if Joseph would withhold his tongue against one so great as Pharaoh.
4. Joseph did not give the respect of persons but had yet a single folly. You see, he knew that this was a test from Ahaya and that if he ministered to them that Ahaya would use these fellows to redeem him from prison. His folly was that he thought that this was going to happen right after he passed the Father's test.
5. Ahaya humbled Joseph and kept him in the prison for a little while longer. Once that period was done, Joseph's heart was purged and he was given the name Yahuceph. It is not lawful for me to write the true name down, and neither can I comprehend it in my mortal state. The names that are given in our probation only represent those names in a way that is lawful to be uttered and understood. By the tongue of our fathers Yahuceph in interpreted to mean, Seer. This is because Joseph was made to understand all languages before Pharaoh to become a ruler of Egypt. Joseph could even interpret those things set in front of him; yea, even if it were possible a few of the things written by Achee, who is that brother of Jared. If this were not so, why else would he have prophecied of our generation?
6. Joseph was made a ruler over the land of Egypt and a refuge for his brethren. He was a refuge to whoever would cleave unto the house of Jacob. It was found that whoever came to Goshen found rest from their troubles.
7. In the same way the Joseph was subject under Potiphar, his children were subject under Assyria. Joseph then gained some level of freedom by becoming second to only Potiphar; And thus, this showed that his children would escape to Arsareth.
8. Our fathers were free from the influence of the heathen, for there was no heathen found round about them. They were free to grow and be abundant in their works. Alas, for though the Messiah came to our fathers, and the House of Joseph had received the fulness of the gospel, and there were many righteous amongst our people; that harlot Izabel who is Jezabel, who is confederate with the spirits of Potiphar's wife, Haman the Amalekite, and Baalam of Peor was found to be leading our people into her whoredom.
9. Many of our father committed whoredom with that false prophetess, and unto the sorrow of the Father of Light; Yea, unto the sorrow of the spirits of Yashaya, and the ancestors, and the angels, and the other spirits amongst all that is created; did our fathers commit sore whoredom. It waxed to sore that thy rejected the fulness of the gospel.
10. This caused Ahaya to remember what He did for our father Joseph. He remembered that tender mercy of removing that wicked woman altogether by throwing Joseph into prison. He loved our fathers even as much as He loved Joseph, so Ahaya raised up the Spaniards and other nations to curiosity concerning our habitation. He guided them to our habitation and caused us to suffer as no man had ever before seen.
11. This is because Joseph was innocent when he was put into slavery, and then falsely accused of assaulting his master's wife. His brothers would have never thought that something so evil would befall him.
12. Our fathers were made to minister to the gentiles who came upon our lands. Many wicked rulers forsook their own people, and Ahaya knew the compassion of the house of Joseph who knows very well about the pain of being betrayed by your own family. I write this to not belittle our fathers, but to show how a moment of evil was turned to good for generations to come.
13. For many years were our fathers in sore captivity, but it was here that Ahaya began to remind us of who we were. According to how Ahaya made Joseph a prophet in the prison house; He reminded us that we are the children of the prophets. He has made us minister unto many, and we cannot tell who we are ministering to whether Jew or Gentile, man or angel.
14. Here is where we are in prophecy according to when I write this record:
15. As Joseph was made to minister unto the gentile servants of Pharaoh; House of Joseph, you are ministering to the gentiles sent to you in your everyday life. Many seek to you concerning dreams and visions, and books, and prophecies, and interpretations of all things. You are being tested House of Joseph to see if you will stay and endure in the test of a prophet. Thus said Isaiah; Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.(Is.58:1)
16. Joseph knew that it was the servants of Pharaoh who were going to be used to kickstart his redemption. In these last days, the gentiles will be gathering together the House of Israel, according to their duty in Ahaya. They shall be returning our records and with them the spirits that dwell in their precepts.
17. The Son of Man said that he would return on a day that he knew not, so he could not give us a specific date as to when. He only gave us signs for the season, so like Joseph, we have become quick to hop on a certain date. Many of or brethren believed that it would be so in the year 2019; but that was proved false because our affliction as all 12 tribes together began technically in 1492 according to Jeremiah; The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them captives held them fast; they refused to let them go. (Jer. 50:33)
18. Ahaya saw our folly and withheld his right hand for a little longer. Joseph was made to minister unto the remainder of the prisoners he had been called to help; this corresponds to the small door of repentance left open in our days.
19. After this period is done then it shall be even as with our father. The prophet said; O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
20. Before we came to this truth our spirits were of the gentile sort and obeyed the laws of the flesh. It was no different than our fathers in the days of the Maccabees. In a moment of time, and a section of eternity, all the children of Adam will seek to cleave unto you, House of Joseph.
21. From the beginning you were given a covenant. Here says a hidden prophet and father;
22. And I have sent forth the fullness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph; and in weakness have I blessed him;
23. And I have given unto him the keys of the mystery of those things which have been sealed, even things which were from the foundation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming, if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead.
24. Wherefore, watch over him that his faith fail not, and it shall be given by the comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things.
25. And a commandment I give unto thee—that thou shalt write for him; and the scriptures shall be given, even as they are in mine own bosom, to the salvation of mine own elect;
26. For they will hear my voice, and shall see me, and shall not be asleep, and shall abide the day of my coming; for they shall be purified, even as I am pure.(D&C 35:17-21)
27. The Southern Kingdom shall seek to you for refuge, and so shall the gentiles who seek you.
28. Before this happens, the seers shall be fully raised up. They shall translate and they shall write, and they shall be a blessing. The seers shall not be touched, for they shall be sealed on their foreheads. These seers shall be the one-hundred and forty-four thousand.
29. Once the seers are found, then whosoever is joined unto them shall have peace in that city of Zion and Goshen.
30. Joseph took care of his brethren and his people, so shall the seers of Zion. Seers of Zion be diligent, because as Reuben was with our fathers in the time of Solomon, so is Joseph with us now.