I don't see where there is anyone else in Louisiana that is doing them. Elder said that if there is noone to do them then women can do the baptism themself. I would contact either him or Khemdah if you are not able to go elsewhere to get it done. I am in Mississippi so littlel son Sabal did my baptism in Louisiana.
Praying for you that the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you and show you where to go. I give thanks now and pled the blood of Yahsua over you, and it is so. ALLELUIA and Amein! Shalom
I had contact him, and he no long stay here in Louisiana
I want to get re baptism , stay in Louisiana
Praying for you that the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you and show you where to go. I give thanks now and pled the blood of Yahsua over you, and it is so. ALLELUIA and Amein! Shalom