. Heavenly Father, I thank YOU for creating water as part of your mysteries creation . Thank you CREATOR , because your water is a symbol of the HOLY SPIRIT . Water washes, revives, satisfies , refreshes , maintains , purifies and it is a growth - producing.2. Heavenly Father, let the Power of heaven and the HOLY SPIRIT begin to trouble this water NOW. I decree by the decree of heaven under the mandate of Calvary , that this water will flush dangerous materials out of my body . It will protect every organ if my body. It will cleanse my system internally and externally . It will protect the unborn babies . It will transport the Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ into every cell of my body . It will evacuate from my body every plantation of darkness. LET the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT , The Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ and the healing POWER of the CREATOR flow into this Water.3. Just as water is a wonder , CREATOR , make me a mysterious wonder. Every stronghold of the enemy in my body , be DISMANTLED by this water. Just as water speaks physical and natural birth (John 3:5) , let my life be reinvented by the power of the CREATOR. Just as water speaks of the WORD of the CREATOR (Ephesians 5:26) let this water cleanse me from all physical and spiritual pollution. Just as water speaks of purification , let this water purify the totality of my system . Just as Healing powers are communicated through water , Let my life receive wholeness by Drinking this water . Just as water speaks of of liberation and refreshment , Let my life receive total deliverance, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. Just as water speaks of fruitfulness , I command fruitfulness upon my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.4. In the name of the CREATOR in the name of Yashaya Christ and of the Holy Spirit , I sanctify this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.5. Let every particle of this water carry unquenchable fire that will Disgrace every plantation of darkness in my blood and the whole of my body , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.6. Let this water challenge every hidden poison in my body and push it out by fire and by force , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.7. O CREATOR Arise by the Resurrection Power of the Blood of your Son Yashaya Christ and breathe upon this body of water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.8. Holy Spirit Fire , overshadow this body of water and convert it to Devine Healing and Creative Waters , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.9. Power of Abraham, Issac and Jacob , trouble this water and convert it to demon crushing water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.10. O thou who sweetened the water of Marah , convert this water to Devine antibiotics and vitamins , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.11. Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ , saturate this water with your cleansing and healing power , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.12. Anointing for total healing , Breakthroughs , Promotion , Deliverance , Victory , Success , Fulfilment, Devine Opportunities, Enlargement, Increase, Multiplication , Prosperity , Refreshment, Fall upon this body of Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.13.Where is the CREATOR Power of Elijah? ARISE and infuse this water with the POWER of the Power of Elijah , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.14. Let the virtues of Heaven fall upon this body of water, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.15. As I drink this water , let the Power of the living Waters mix it with and let it renew my youth like an eagle . Let the blood and the water from the pierced side of our Savior Yashaya Christ Flow in this water , By his Stripes we are HEALED , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.16. In the beginning , O CREATOR , My Power , Your SPIRIT moved upon the the waters and YOUR word says let there be LIGHT. O CREATOR , let the voice that spoke in the beginning , Speak LIGHT , Fire and Power into this Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.17. CREATOR , Let this water become Frustration Killer, Stagnancy Destroyer , Opportunity Revival, Blood Cleanser , Weapon of Confrontation , Destroyer of Yokes , Deliverance Medicine, Glory Revival, Devine Vaccination, and Immunity , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.18. YOU water , I change you by the Power of the Holy Spirit and I COMMAND you to transport round my body , the Healing Virtue and Strength of the CREATOR , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.19. Heavenly Father , let the Spirit of Fire and Power enter this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.20. Let the seven SPIRITS of the CREATOR rest upon the Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.21. The spirit of Wisdom , rest upon the water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.22. The spirit of Understanding , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.23. The Spirit of counsel and might , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.24. The Spirit of Knowledge , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.25. The Spirit of the fear of the CREATOR , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.26. Let every particle of this water , carry the Fire of the CREATOR and disgrace every plantation of darkness , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ27. Holy Spirit Fire , Arise , Baptize this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.28. Power of the CREATOR, flow into every particle making up this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.29. Let this water become Spiritual Weapon to wipe off every reproach , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.30. Let this water become Spiritual Axe to wipe off every insult , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.31. Let this water become Spiritual Battle Axe to wipe off every mockery , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.32 SPIRIT of the Living POWER , occupy every particle of this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.33. CREATOR, soak this water with the Resurrection Blood of your Son Yashaya Christ , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.34. CREATOR , Lay your hands of FIRE and POWER upon this water in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.35. CREATOR, stir up this water , provoke it , to become the water of Fire and Power , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.36. CREATOR , Let this water become the water that washes away every plantation of darkness , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.37. Let this water become the water that will put every handwriting of the enemy to shame , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.38. Let this water wipe away every sorrow , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.39. Let this water wipe away every bitter water troubling my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.40. Holy Spirit Fire , Arise , incubate this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.41. Holy Spirit fire , Penetrate this water in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.42. Holy Spirit Fire , Overshadow this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.43. Let Devine Favour , Devine Elevation , Devine Promotion entrench this water to provoke Breakthroughs , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.44. Heavenly Father lay your hands of Glory , Your hand of Might upon this water, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.45. Heavenly Father, CHARGE this water by the POWER of the Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.46. Let the stripes that come upon the Body of Yashaya Christ energize this water to become HEALING Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.47. You water swallow the dragon of darkness and burn them to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.48. You water of FIRE destroy every plantation of the enemy , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.49. O CREATOR, programme your WORDS into this Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.50. O CREATOR, programme this water to fight in the Heavenlies , on the Earth and to fight on the Sea , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.51. Let all the champions of evil be disgraced with this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.52. Let the sword of the CREATOR Arise and use this water to dislodge every evil programme against my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.53. Any Power opposing the purpose of the CREATOR for my life be shifted away by the water of Fire , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.54. EVERY satanic investment , troubling my destiny , be shattered to pieces by this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.55. Every Power opposing divine agenda for my life , let the Power of the CREATOR inside this water Dismantle you in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.56. Let this water become Devine disinfectant , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.57. Let this water quench every power of Beezlebub , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.58. O CREATOR, Arise , and let this water scatter every horn of darkness planted against my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.59. CREATOR , by the Power YOU have deposited into this water , Let every Confrontation against me be DISMANTLED , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.60. Every altar mounted against my destiny in my environment let this water BURN to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.61. O CREATOR, Arise and use this water to Purge Sickness out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.62. O CREATOR, Arise and use this water to Purge Infirmity out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.63. O CREATOR, ARISE and use this water to Purge Weakness out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.64. EVERY sickness unto death , Be Melted away by this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.65. EVERY dead Organ , COME TO ALIVE when you contact this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.66. Thou POWER of the CREATOR , Arise , for my sake and use this water as a water of BREAKTHROUGH and POWER , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.67. Holy Spirit Fire flow into this Water and convert it to hot coal of Fire , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.68. Every Power pursuing my destiny let this water BURN you to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.69. MOST HIGH CREATOR , I release this water unto YOU make it the water that will DISMANTLE Stubborn Wickedness , Stubborn Witchcraft , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.70. O CREATOR, Let this water PROVOKE uncommon BLESSINGS for my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ.These PRAYER POINTS needs to be said with VIOLENT FAITH I hope these PRAYER POINTS Bless you all The Mystery of Water Cure by Dr DK Olukoya Book
Sisters this is the prayer points in the book I converted it to the way I would pray with my words the book has it written in Lord and Jesus
. Heavenly Father, I thank YOU for creating water as part of your mysteries creation . Thank you CREATOR , because your water is a symbol of the HOLY SPIRIT . Water washes, revives, satisfies , refreshes , maintains , purifies and it is a growth - producing. 2. Heavenly Father, let the Power of heaven and the HOLY SPIRIT begin to trouble this water NOW. I decree by the decree of heaven under the mandate of Calvary , that this water will flush dangerous materials out of my body . It will protect every organ if my body. It will cleanse my system internally and externally . It will protect the unborn babies . It will transport the Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ into every cell of my body . It will evacuate from my body every plantation of darkness. LET the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT , The Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ and the healing POWER of the CREATOR flow into this Water. 3. Just as water is a wonder , CREATOR , make me a mysterious wonder. Every stronghold of the enemy in my body , be DISMANTLED by this water. Just as water speaks physical and natural birth (John 3:5) , let my life be reinvented by the power of the CREATOR. Just as water speaks of the WORD of the CREATOR (Ephesians 5:26) let this water cleanse me from all physical and spiritual pollution. Just as water speaks of purification , let this water purify the totality of my system . Just as Healing powers are communicated through water , Let my life receive wholeness by Drinking this water . Just as water speaks of of liberation and refreshment , Let my life receive total deliverance, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. Just as water speaks of fruitfulness , I command fruitfulness upon my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 4. In the name of the CREATOR in the name of Yashaya Christ and of the Holy Spirit , I sanctify this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 5. Let every particle of this water carry unquenchable fire that will Disgrace every plantation of darkness in my blood and the whole of my body , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 6. Let this water challenge every hidden poison in my body and push it out by fire and by force , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 7. O CREATOR Arise by the Resurrection Power of the Blood of your Son Yashaya Christ and breathe upon this body of water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 8. Holy Spirit Fire , overshadow this body of water and convert it to Devine Healing and Creative Waters , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 9. Power of Abraham, Issac and Jacob , trouble this water and convert it to demon crushing water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 10. O thou who sweetened the water of Marah , convert this water to Devine antibiotics and vitamins , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 11. Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ , saturate this water with your cleansing and healing power , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 12. Anointing for total healing , Breakthroughs , Promotion , Deliverance , Victory , Success , Fulfilment, Devine Opportunities, Enlargement, Increase, Multiplication , Prosperity , Refreshment, Fall upon this body of Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 13.Where is the CREATOR Power of Elijah? ARISE and infuse this water with the POWER of the Power of Elijah , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 14. Let the virtues of Heaven fall upon this body of water, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 15. As I drink this water , let the Power of the living Waters mix it with and let it renew my youth like an eagle . Let the blood and the water from the pierced side of our Savior Yashaya Christ Flow in this water , By his Stripes we are HEALED , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 16. In the beginning , O CREATOR , My Power , Your SPIRIT moved upon the the waters and YOUR word says let there be LIGHT. O CREATOR , let the voice that spoke in the beginning , Speak LIGHT , Fire and Power into this Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 17. CREATOR , Let this water become Frustration Killer, Stagnancy Destroyer , Opportunity Revival, Blood Cleanser , Weapon of Confrontation , Destroyer of Yokes , Deliverance Medicine, Glory Revival, Devine Vaccination, and Immunity , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 18. YOU water , I change you by the Power of the Holy Spirit and I COMMAND you to transport round my body , the Healing Virtue and Strength of the CREATOR , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 19. Heavenly Father , let the Spirit of Fire and Power enter this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 20. Let the seven SPIRITS of the CREATOR rest upon the Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 21. The spirit of Wisdom , rest upon the water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 22. The spirit of Understanding , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 23. The Spirit of counsel and might , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 24. The Spirit of Knowledge , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 25. The Spirit of the fear of the CREATOR , rest upon this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 26. Let every particle of this water , carry the Fire of the CREATOR and disgrace every plantation of darkness , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ 27. Holy Spirit Fire , Arise , Baptize this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 28. Power of the CREATOR, flow into every particle making up this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 29. Let this water become Spiritual Weapon to wipe off every reproach , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 30. Let this water become Spiritual Axe to wipe off every insult , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 31. Let this water become Spiritual Battle Axe to wipe off every mockery , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 32 SPIRIT of the Living POWER , occupy every particle of this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 33. CREATOR, soak this water with the Resurrection Blood of your Son Yashaya Christ , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 34. CREATOR , Lay your hands of FIRE and POWER upon this water in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 35. CREATOR, stir up this water , provoke it , to become the water of Fire and Power , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 36. CREATOR , Let this water become the water that washes away every plantation of darkness , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 37. Let this water become the water that will put every handwriting of the enemy to shame , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 38. Let this water wipe away every sorrow , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 39. Let this water wipe away every bitter water troubling my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 40. Holy Spirit Fire , Arise , incubate this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 41. Holy Spirit fire , Penetrate this water in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 42. Holy Spirit Fire , Overshadow this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 43. Let Devine Favour , Devine Elevation , Devine Promotion entrench this water to provoke Breakthroughs , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 44. Heavenly Father lay your hands of Glory , Your hand of Might upon this water, in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 45. Heavenly Father, CHARGE this water by the POWER of the Resurrection Blood of Yashaya Christ , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 46. Let the stripes that come upon the Body of Yashaya Christ energize this water to become HEALING Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 47. You water swallow the dragon of darkness and burn them to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 48. You water of FIRE destroy every plantation of the enemy , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 49. O CREATOR, programme your WORDS into this Water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 50. O CREATOR, programme this water to fight in the Heavenlies , on the Earth and to fight on the Sea , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 51. Let all the champions of evil be disgraced with this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 52. Let the sword of the CREATOR Arise and use this water to dislodge every evil programme against my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 53. Any Power opposing the purpose of the CREATOR for my life be shifted away by the water of Fire , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 54. EVERY satanic investment , troubling my destiny , be shattered to pieces by this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 55. Every Power opposing divine agenda for my life , let the Power of the CREATOR inside this water Dismantle you in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 56. Let this water become Devine disinfectant , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 57. Let this water quench every power of Beezlebub , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 58. O CREATOR, Arise , and let this water scatter every horn of darkness planted against my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 59. CREATOR , by the Power YOU have deposited into this water , Let every Confrontation against me be DISMANTLED , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 60. Every altar mounted against my destiny in my environment let this water BURN to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 61. O CREATOR, Arise and use this water to Purge Sickness out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 62. O CREATOR, Arise and use this water to Purge Infirmity out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 63. O CREATOR, ARISE and use this water to Purge Weakness out of my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 64. EVERY sickness unto death , Be Melted away by this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 65. EVERY dead Organ , COME TO ALIVE when you contact this water , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 66. Thou POWER of the CREATOR , Arise , for my sake and use this water as a water of BREAKTHROUGH and POWER , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 67. Holy Spirit Fire flow into this Water and convert it to hot coal of Fire , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 68. Every Power pursuing my destiny let this water BURN you to ashes , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 69. MOST HIGH CREATOR , I release this water unto YOU make it the water that will DISMANTLE Stubborn Wickedness , Stubborn Witchcraft , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. 70. O CREATOR, Let this water PROVOKE uncommon BLESSINGS for my life , in the Mighty name of Yashaya Christ. These PRAYER POINTS needs to be said with VIOLENT FAITH I hope these PRAYER POINTS Bless you all The Mystery of Water Cure by Dr DK Olukoya Book
Thank you sister Letty, warrior sister of The Most High AhaYah. Waiting for it today
Thankyou sister Letty
thank you so much my sister Letty ❤️
@onenationonepower onenation thanks and thanks sister Letty