Luke 20:27-38 The first download of interpretation will proceed under the context that both the chapter and verse symbolize a spiritual point in the history to come. (i.e. verses 20:10-18 would lign up with these literal years that have passed. The Hebrew Israelite awakening begins to pick up in the first wave, but they start to reject Yahawashi and His teachings. Yahawashi sends just men of both Jews and Gentiles to help bring the awakening Israel back on track to the truth and the propper awakening; however, these men are persecuted and rejected of these. They are spoken against with many accusations and slandering, even to the doubt of their faith and the deceit of these elect. Some of these elected heirs are killed for their witness against the wickedness of the awakening Israel for the rejection of the Messiah a second time. The wicked Israelites and religious leaders seek to lay claim to the elect's anointing and calling, but it is given to another soul like the martyred witness. This rejected spirit and annointing becomes the head of the awakening process, and those who come against the spirit itself die spiritually and become stiffnecked against further growth. Their new dogmas will be destroyed and they will lose what little they were given. Verses 20:19-26 once the religious leaders and impious Israelites are humbled before YaHaWaH, but they begin to hold resentment against the awakening saints. They try to use all manner of cunning devices of speech and law to make them fall. They will try to make the words of the saints seem vain and pertaining unto this life, or else in transgression against the powers to the destruction of the Elect. The elect souls in a peaceable spirit see the straight way and gate and use these means to escape their temptations by using the leaders' speech against them. They confound the religious leaders so much that they keep silence before the entire earth.) Under this first context, the religious leaders will point to the fact that Yahawashi has not returned yet if He has not done so yet. They will mock at the fact that the Holy Souls say that Yahawashi will come any day now, and say that there is neither resurrection nor judgement. Many will fail from the true faith, and die spiritually. 20:39-47 after the awakening of the true Israelites, the religious leaders will again keep silence through the Ruach Ha'Qodesh upon the elect souls. These souls will then challenge the leaders concerning Yahawashi's relationship to YaHaWaH and David, considering that if He was born of a virgin, how is He born of the house of David except by His mother?[unless if Joseph had a different role than we know.] Once the religious leaders are confounded concerning this matter, then the elect souls will proclaim their calling and rebuke the religious leaders and their lies before the world.
The second interpretation is similar, but different. The parable itself concerns seven men and a single woman. The seven men represent the seven churches [or congregations] of the Northern Kingdom [1 Samuel 2:5; Mosiah 25:23; and Revelation 1:11], as well as the churches of the gentiles. The woman represents Israel. The woman is passed from man to man, but each man dies before he is able to gain children by her. Each gentile nation who has had Israel in captivity has tried to exalt his god in her and to produce the fall of the world into idolatry through her. YaHaWaH has smitten each man before this could come to pass, so when the woman dies [or is judged last(this goes into the concept that a given entity can only gain the rest in eternity after YaHaWaH, Yahawashi, and the Ruach Ha'Qodesh do their judgements on all creation and rest, and permit their servants to finally rest from ministering unto them.)]. The scripture continues that after the woman dies, none are given in marriage and neither die anymore and live forever. Israel will never go into captivity again, and her judgements will be finished. She will be permitted to enter into her rest.
Concerning the seven men being the Northern Kingdom, it shows how the Holy Spirit went from one gathering to another. The first man, or Church[or congregation], took the Holy Spirit to wife or sought to join themselves unto her holiness. Before they could produce any good fruit of people being grafted into the house of Israel, they sinned. In turn She left them, and they died spiritually. This repeated throughout the seven churches of the Northern Kingdom of Israel until the woman "died" or the Ruach Ha'Qodesh went back into heaven. The saying of one being married or given in marriage shows that the Ruach Ha'Qodesh does not belong to a single one of them, but to each according to their measure of election. She is given to resurrect them all to their former glories, for YaHaWaH is the God of Israel. The God of the living and not the dead. This further confirms that the true ancient Israelite seedline was not wiped out.