The Most High has shared this yesterday, and here is the breakdown.
Matt. 18:21,22 (Forgive seventy times seven.)
21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Go with me to the next precept;
D&C 98:21-36
21 Verily I say unto you, that I, the Lord, will chasten them and will do whatsoever I list, if they do not repent and observe all things whatsoever I have said unto them.
24 But if ye bear it not patiently, it shall be accounted unto you as being meted out as a just measure unto you.
25 And again, if your enemy shall smite you the second time, and you revile not against your enemy, and bear it patiently, your reward shall be an hundred-fold.
26 And again, if he shall smite you the third time, and ye bear it patiently, your reward shall be doubled unto you four-fold;
27 And these three testimonies shall stand against your enemy if he repent not, and shall not be blotted out.
28 And now, verily I say unto you, if that enemy shall escape my vengeance, that he be not brought into judgment before me, then ye shall see to it that ye warn him in my name, that he come no more upon you, neither upon your family, even your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.
29 And then, if he shall come upon you or your children, or your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation, I have delivered thine enemy into thine hands;
30 And then if thou wilt spare him, thou shalt be rewarded for thy righteousness; and also thy children and thy children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.
31 Nevertheless, thine enemy is in thine hands; and if thou rewardest him according to his works thou art justified; if he has sought thy life, and thy life is endangered by him, thine enemy is in thine hands and thou art justified.
32 Behold, this is the law I gave unto my servant Nephi, and thy fathers, Joseph, and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, and all mine ancient prophets and apostles.
33 And again, this is the law that I gave unto mine ancients, that they should not go out unto battle against any nation, kindred, tongue, or people, save I, the Lord, commanded them.
34 And if any nation, tongue, or people should proclaim war against them, they should first lift a standard of peace unto that people, nation, or tongue;
35 And if that people did not accept the offering of peace, neither the second nor the third time, they should bring these testimonies before the Lord;
36 Then I, the Lord, would give unto them a commandment, and justify them in going out to battle against that nation, tongue, or people.
You can precept this with Deuteronomy 20:10-20, as well as with Agrapha 106
(106) Jesus said, “If thy brother sin against thee by a word, and giveth thee reparation, thou shalt seven times in a day accept him.” Then said Simon his disciple to him, “Seven times?” The Lord answered, and said unto him: “Yea, I say unto thee, until seventy times seven. For even in the prophets, after they were anointed with the Holy Spirit, there is found a word of sin.”
"And giveth thee reparation..." The offender must have a charitable heart. Charity/agape is eternal love(Moroni 8:17; 1 John 4:10), which can only really be expressed in action(1 Cor. 13:4-8; James 2:14-17).
Shalawam and much Siloam Zion
Thank you. I was wondering about what to do after i turned the othe cheek and then the slap that cheek to. APTMH.