Star wars also appear to have had a seasonal bias, clustering in the dry season from November through January. Few were recorded to have happened during the planting season and none at all during harvest time, between mid-September and late October.[7]
After listening to Sister Naema's video about Oct 31, The above statement makes sense.
This was written in the Maya Stars books: during the Classic period are more common in the
rainy season, whereas full-scale starwars—wars designated withstar-glyphverbs—clusterfromNovember through January. Few star wars took place at
planting time, and none at all occurred during the
harvest between mid-September and late October.
Seasonal patterning of star-war dates in ClassicMaya
inscriptions indicates that the preferred time for war-
fare was between the autumn equinox andthespring
notes that mature corn in the fields provided a food
supply for the warriors at this time of year.